Challenges of our discipline

Monday 21 June 2010
Every discipline has challenges and veterinary medicine is not the exception. There are lots of challenges in this discipline, but for the sake of time I'll only mention 2 or 3.
First of all, it's a medical science and as such, it's always evolving. News procedures are created and new technologies are available from time to time, even new diseases are being discovered constantly! So, you have to keep studying or you'll become obsolete very quick. Sadly, in this discipline there aren't as many resources available as in human medicine, so we end up using old equipment or improvising with what we have.

In my opinion, the main reason for that, is because here in Chile (and many other countries as well) owners doesn't care for the pets, at least not enough. They are willing to pay huge sums of money for human medicine, but refused to pay for they pet's health. This is often seen here in our faculty, here you can see lots of pets abandoned by their owners because the bill was more expensive than they thought. Even in our civil code it's said that pets are consider property, just like a table or a lamp. Even people who think they are responsible, usually makes some irresponsible actions, like letting theirs dogs leave the house unsupervised. Most owners refuse to neuterize their dogs, so they end up increasing the homeless dogs population.
But I truly believe the bigger challenge here in Chile is the huge amount of vet schools. Here we have more than 30 (32 I think) vet schools, and that number is only going to increase in the near future. It's a very profitable business for the owners of these universities and the goverment is not going to do something about, because they support this system, even our education minister was the founder of a private university. Besides, there isn't any kind of regulation, so this universities can be giving a deficient education. If the state won't do anything to solve this, we'll have some bad doctors treating our pets, putting their lives in risk... well, actually this is happening right now, in lots of clinics.
Sadly, I can't thing of an immediate course of action to solve this, because the goverment likes the way things are now, but for starters, some sort of national test is needed to evaluate ALL the new veterinarians.


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