Session 4

Sunday 2 May 2010
I like traveling, so there are several countries I's like to visit. I've been in quite a few places, like brasil, mexico and colombia, but that's the beauty of traveling: there's always another place to go.
Mainly, I'd love to visit Cuba, India, Italia, Spain and Africa (any african country would do).
I'd like to travel to Cuba, mainly because i'm quite the fan of all the revolution theme (Che Guevara and stuff), so I guess it would be nice to see how things are going there, and to judge by myself if things are that bad as the media wants us to believe. I'd like to go just to see the place and the people, but I think I'd rather live somewhere else.
On the other hand, I'd really love to go to Spain, but in this case I'd like to study and, who knows, maybe end up working there. I have some family over there and they are always inviting me to stay there, so I guess it's just a matter of time. Lucky for me, they live near Barcelona, and as a soccer fan I'd do anything to see the Barcelona F.C. in action (hopefully against Real Madrid, jaja). I'd like to take some kind of postgraduate course over there, because they have some neat universities. To make the most of that travel, I'd would also visit the Balearic Islands, specially Majorca and Ibiza.


Nachors said...

My post dissapeared too T_T
I'll repeat the most important part of it XD

I agree with you about to visit Barcelona and I'd add another reason: as far as I know, the night life of Barcelona is awesome, that people really know how to party xD

well, that's all

cya tomorrow in Animal Reproduction =P

~ ale ~ said...

Hahaha My mom is DYING to take me to Cuba. She ADORES it. Since I was little I've heard nothing but amazing comments about Cuba and its people (mostly from my mother) so I'm really curious about it too. I must confess... if you ever go to Spain I'm going to ask you to send me mangas xD... but! putting my hobbies aside... I think Spain is actually a pretty interesting place to make postgraduate courses in veterinarian areas.

Miss said...

I like traveling, so there are several countries I'SP s like to visit. I've been in quite a few places, like CAPS brasil, CAPS mexico and CAPS colombia, but that's the beauty of traveling: there's always another place to go.
Mainly, I'd love to visit Cuba, India, Italia, Spain and Africa (any african country would do).
I'd like to travel to Cuba, mainly because i'm quite the fan of all the revolution theme (Che Guevara and stuff), so I guess it would be nice to see how things are going there, and to judge by myself if things are that bad as the media wants us to believe. I'd like to go just to see the place and the people, but I think I'd rather live somewhere else.
On the other hand, I'd really love to go to Spain, but in this case I'd like to study and, who knows, maybe end up working there. I have some family over there and they are always inviting me to stay there, so I guess it's just a matter of time. Lucky for me, they live near Barcelona, and as a soccer fan I'd do anything to see the Barcelona F.C. in action (hopefully against Real Madrid, jaja). I'd like to take some kind of postgraduate course over there, because they have some neat universities. To make the most of that travel, I'd would also visit the Balearic Islands, specially Majorca and Ibiza.

I dream about Ibiza!! I´d love to be there...
so you´re from the barza uh?

well done

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