My favourite animal: Canis familiaris

Saturday 22 May 2010
I have to say, my favourite animal is, without a doubt, the dog. At first, I was leaned to say something like tigers, bears or whales, but in the end, I'm a dog lover.
There are many things I like about dogs. They are very inteligent, and it's kinda easy to communicate with them. It's easy to understand what they feel and they can also understand us. Somehow, they have the ability to understand our feelings. I've had a lot of dogs, and in many occasion I've noticed this. When I've been sick or feeling down, they always come like trying to cheer me up. I believe this is one of the reasons why we make such strong bonds with our dogs.
Dogs are also very faithful. They'll always stay with their masters, even if their masters doesn't treat them right. The dog doesn't care how do you look and it doesn't care whether you have money or not, the dog will stay with you no matter what. There's a lot of stories about dogs who have stayed next to their masters graves, never leaving the place. This proves how faithful they can be.
Would I like work helping them? Well, I think that questions is already answered.
Dogs are the reason why I'm here. I decided to follow this career because I love dogs (actually, I like almost every species of animals, but dogs are my favourite). So, I'm here to help them and help making the world a better place for them.


Diana said...

Hi Simon!
I`m completely agree, I`m a dog lover too. But I`ve to say that in my experience, also, cats can understand us, although they are very unfriendly in some occasions

Simón Soto said...
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Simón Soto said...

I've heard that too, but I've never had a cat because I have allergy, kinda sad, isn't it?

Miss said...

I have to say, my favourite animal is, without a doubt, the dog. At first, I was leaned to say something like tigers, bears or whales, but in the end, I'm a dog lover.
There are many things I like about dogs. They are very SP inteligent, and it's kinda easy to communicate with them. It's easy to understand what they feel and they can also understand us. Somehow, they have the ability to understand our feelings. I've had a lot of dogs, and in many occasion I've noticed this. When I've been sick or feeling down, they always come like trying to cheer me up. I believe this is one of the reasons why we make such strong bonds with our dogs.
Dogs are also very faithful. They'll always stay with their masters, even if their masters SVA doesn't treat them right. The dog doesn't care how do you look and it doesn't care whether you have money or not, the dog will stay with you no matter what. There's a lot of stories about dogs who have stayed next to their masters graves, never leaving the place. This proves how faithful they can be.
Would I like work helping them? Well, I think that questions is already answered.
Dogs are the reason why I'm here. I decided to follow this career because I love dogs (actually, I like almost every species of animals, but dogs are my favourite). So, I'm here to help them and help making the world a better place for them

very interesting I love dogs as well! would you like to work in a clinic with them?

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