2009 (I couldn't think of anything funny to put in here)

Sunday 25 April 2010
The second semester of 2009...
When I started to remember about that time, the first thing it came to me was: rollercoaster. No, I didn't went to fantasilandia last year and I don't have a particular liking for rollercoasters, but the second semester of 2009 was really a rollercoasters for me.

In the university, it was one of the hardest semesters for me in my entire student life... but the worst thing was that I have to went through that semester twice! In 2008 I "freezed" that semester (actually, I have no idea if "freeze" is the right word to use... I believe it's wrong, but you get the idea), so I have to take all those subjects again in 2009. The subjects weren't easy at all (specially phisyopatology and genetics), so it was a very stresful semester... but in the end, I came out triumphant. I learned a lot, mainly in phisyopatology and it has been very useful for me this semester.

For the free time... did I say free time? there were barely free time! anyway, I didn't practice any sports (just an occasional soccer match, but that's about it), so I expended most of my free time studing (sad, isn't it?) and hanging around with a girl I dated back then. Sadly, that relationship didn't work out well mainly because the lack of free time I had.

Back in July or August (I can't remember which month was), my mother had an aneurysm and she was hospitalized for like two weeks. Her condition was very delicate the whole time, so I was very affected by that. In the end, she went to surgery and, luckily, it came out right. I have to say, that was one of the hardest times for me not only for the past year, but in my entire life. Anyway, everything is fine now.

So, are there 200+ words in this post? I'm to lazy to count, so I'll have to hope there are more than 200.


Nachors said...

Microsoft Word says you wrote 334 words (like 100 more words than me xD)
In summer, I hoped this year we could have more time to hang around, but surely as you've realized, I get wrong again T_T

Miss said...

The second semester of 2009...
When I started to remember about that time, the first thing it came to me was: rollercoaster. No, I didn't WF went to fantasilandia last year and I don't have a particular liking for rollercoasters, but the second semester of 2009 was really a rollercoasters for me.

In the university, it was one of the hardest semesters for me in my entire student life... but the worst thing was that I have to WF went through that semester twice! In 2008 I WW"freezed" that semester (actually, I have no idea if "freeze" is the right word to use... I believe it's wrong, but you get the idea), so I have to take all those subjects again in 2009. The subjects weren't easy at all (specially phisyopatology and genetics), so it was a very SP stresful semester... but in the end, I came out triumphant. I learned a lot, mainly in phisyopatology and it has been very useful for me this semester.

For the free time... did I say free time? there were barely free time! anyway, I didn't practice any sports (just an occasional soccer match, but that's about it), so I expended most of my free time SP studing (sad, isn't it?) and hanging around with a girl I dated back then. Sadly, that relationship didn't work out well mainly because the lack of free time I had.

Back in July or August (I can't remember which month was), my mother had an aneurysm and she was hospitalized for like two weeks. Her condition was very delicate the whole time, so I was very affected by that. In the end, she went to surgery and, luckily, it came out right. I have to say, that was one of the hardest times for me not only for the past year, but in my entire life. Anyway, everything is fine now.

So, are there 200+ words in this post

well done! So even though it was difficult you managed to succeed!
I´m sure you´ll find a girl who can understand how demanding this is...

p.s. you got a 6,2

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