Challenges of our discipline

Monday 21 June 2010
Every discipline has challenges and veterinary medicine is not the exception. There are lots of challenges in this discipline, but for the sake of time I'll only mention 2 or 3.
First of all, it's a medical science and as such, it's always evolving. News procedures are created and new technologies are available from time to time, even new diseases are being discovered constantly! So, you have to keep studying or you'll become obsolete very quick. Sadly, in this discipline there aren't as many resources available as in human medicine, so we end up using old equipment or improvising with what we have.

In my opinion, the main reason for that, is because here in Chile (and many other countries as well) owners doesn't care for the pets, at least not enough. They are willing to pay huge sums of money for human medicine, but refused to pay for they pet's health. This is often seen here in our faculty, here you can see lots of pets abandoned by their owners because the bill was more expensive than they thought. Even in our civil code it's said that pets are consider property, just like a table or a lamp. Even people who think they are responsible, usually makes some irresponsible actions, like letting theirs dogs leave the house unsupervised. Most owners refuse to neuterize their dogs, so they end up increasing the homeless dogs population.
But I truly believe the bigger challenge here in Chile is the huge amount of vet schools. Here we have more than 30 (32 I think) vet schools, and that number is only going to increase in the near future. It's a very profitable business for the owners of these universities and the goverment is not going to do something about, because they support this system, even our education minister was the founder of a private university. Besides, there isn't any kind of regulation, so this universities can be giving a deficient education. If the state won't do anything to solve this, we'll have some bad doctors treating our pets, putting their lives in risk... well, actually this is happening right now, in lots of clinics.
Sadly, I can't thing of an immediate course of action to solve this, because the goverment likes the way things are now, but for starters, some sort of national test is needed to evaluate ALL the new veterinarians.

Snakes declining at alarming rate

Sunday 13 June 2010
The article I choose talks about how snake populations is decreasing at an alarming rate and how this will affect their entire ecosystem.
Human intervention is slowly (or maybe not so slowly) destroying the natural world, this is not news to anyone. From time to time we find signs of how this is affecting the entire ecosystems and this time, it's the snake's turn.

Scientist from 5 countries across 3 different continents have been monitoring several populations of these reptiles, in differents kinds of habitats. From 17 populations observed, they say 11 have "declined sharply", 5 remained stable and 1 has increases at a very weak rate.

They believe this is a global phenomenom because all the observed declines occured during the same relative short period of time and this occured in populations living in a variety of climates (tropical, mediterranean an temperate climates).

Even though there are no cause of the losses, they sugest the loss of their habitats and declinal prey might be the main cause. The climate change is supposed to be the common factor on the origin of this threats.
Scientists have been studying snakes's populations for some time now, but this paper is the first reliable evidence of the problem.

This is quite the issue, 'cause snakes play a very important role in the ecosystem. They are top predators within the habitats they are found, meaning that they almost have no predators and help to control plagues like rats and mice. Without the snakes, the balance would be lost and populations of vermins wouldn't have anything to contain them.

This is the first study of this matter, so more information is needed to elaborate a plan of action that would help to prevent and hopefully revert this situation.

Our faculty

Sunday 6 June 2010
As a student of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Chile, I don't really think there are many wrong things with it... At least, not as many as there were in my former university. I truly believe this is a great faculty, but of course there are room for improvements.
Is there is something that REALLY needs to improve, is the cafeteria. There's so many things that are wrong about it. It's quite small, so when it's lunch time you have to wait a long time in line. The food it's not so bad, but it's not so great either, you don't have many options (like, if you're a vegetarian, you're screwed) as there's not so many variety. And of course, it's so expensive! they charge you more than 2000 pesos for a so-so meal, it's kinda unfair.
Then, we have the infrastructure issues. There is a lack of places to study (besides the library), some of the bathrooms need a cat's hand (I know, I know... but you get the point xD) and the library itself could use some help (there's not enough books and most of the computers have some problems).
The first step to solve this is to know where the problems are. The autorities (of the students center) should make some kind of an opinion poll, to know what are the most urgents issues. Then, of course, more money is needed. The authorities (the university authorities), need to realize how things are here. Some faculties have a lot of luxuries that we could only dream of. I think this is wrong and there have to be a better money management.
We all will benefit from this, I mean, who doesn't want a better and cheaper cafeteria?
I really hope the new dean reads this blogs xD

My favourite animal: Canis familiaris

Saturday 22 May 2010
I have to say, my favourite animal is, without a doubt, the dog. At first, I was leaned to say something like tigers, bears or whales, but in the end, I'm a dog lover.
There are many things I like about dogs. They are very inteligent, and it's kinda easy to communicate with them. It's easy to understand what they feel and they can also understand us. Somehow, they have the ability to understand our feelings. I've had a lot of dogs, and in many occasion I've noticed this. When I've been sick or feeling down, they always come like trying to cheer me up. I believe this is one of the reasons why we make such strong bonds with our dogs.
Dogs are also very faithful. They'll always stay with their masters, even if their masters doesn't treat them right. The dog doesn't care how do you look and it doesn't care whether you have money or not, the dog will stay with you no matter what. There's a lot of stories about dogs who have stayed next to their masters graves, never leaving the place. This proves how faithful they can be.
Would I like work helping them? Well, I think that questions is already answered.
Dogs are the reason why I'm here. I decided to follow this career because I love dogs (actually, I like almost every species of animals, but dogs are my favourite). So, I'm here to help them and help making the world a better place for them.

Visiting Santiago? Are you sure?

Saturday 15 May 2010
First af all, I gotta say: I hate Santiago. There are very few things that I like about this city and a lot of things that I hate. So if a foreigner tourist ask me this, I'd most likely advice him/her to visit another city, like Valparaiso, Viña del Mar or any other city. If he/she insist, I guess my top 5 places list would be (not in any particular order):

1)Metropolitan Zoo or the Buin Zoo: I'm an animal lover, so this would be, without any doubt, one of my first choices. There's a lot to do there so you could easily expend a whole day visiting those places. Besides, from San Cristobal Hill you have a very nice view of Santiago, so I guess any tourist would like that.

2)Plaza de Armas: Any tourist should visit the Plaza de Armas, because it's the historic center of the city. There's a lot of historic buildings nearby (churches, museums, etc) so thats why it's on the list.

3)La Moneda (goverment house): Even though Piñera is the one on charge now, La Moneda is always a good place for a tourist to visit. Why? I don't know, because it's the goverment house, it's and historic building and they even have a nice museum down there as well.

4)Quinta Normal park: It's a nice place to visit and do some outdoor activities, besides, there's also a lot to see in there. There's some museums inside, like the museum of natural history, the one about trains (forgot it's name) and there are a lot of interesting places around it.

5)O'higgins Park: There's a lot of things to do and to see here as well. You can do some aquatic activities in the pool or in the artificial lake, there's a museum (the museum of the huaso) and if you're bored, there's even an amusing park.

This is not a homework but...

Wednesday 12 May 2010
Writing the post about death penalty remind me of this song. It has one of my favourite lyrics ever.

Nofx - You're wrong.

You're wrong about virtues of Christianity
And you're wrong if you agree with Sean Hannity
If you think that pride is about nationality, you're wrong

You're wrong when you imprison people turning tricks
And you're wrong about trickle down economics
If you think that punk rock doesn't mix with politics, you're wrong

You're wrong for hating queers and eating steers
If you kill for the thrill of the hunt
You're wrong 'bout wearing fur and not hating Ann Coulter
Cause she's a cunted cunt

You're wrong if you celebrate Columbus Day
And You're wrong if you think there will be a Judgement Day
If you're a charter member of the NRA, you're wrong

You're wrong if you support capital punishment
And you're wrong if you don't question your government
If you think her reproductive rights are inconsequent, you're wrong

You're wrong fighting Jihad, your blind faith in God
Your religions are all flawed,
You're wrong about drug use, when its not abuse
I hope you never reproduce

You're getting high on the downlow
A victim of Cointelpro
You're wrong and will probably never know

Death penalty and stuff

Saturday 8 May 2010
Oh no... this topic again...
Anyway here is my opinion: in my point of view, death penalty shouldn't be used as a punishment system, because you're not punishing anyone with it. It's not justice, it's not punishment and most of all, it's not a way to solve a problem... it's just a cold act of revenge, degrading ourselves to the same level of the guilty person. I'm not against because of some kind of religious point of view (life is sacred and that kind of things), mostly because I'm not a religious guy. I'm against it because it's been proved that it doesn't work. Countries which use it (like the States) have not shown a decrease in their crime rates, so it's been proved that it doesn't solve anything. Besides, there's also the problem of making mistakes. Here in Chile (and I'm sure this happens in a lot of other countries as well), justice is not very efficient. There has been a lot of people who have been senteced to jail, only to find out later they are completly innocent. We cannot afford the risk of making mistakes with death penalty.
We all know the solution is not the death penalty. There's a lot of ways to solve this, like improving the education and the rehabilitation programs, but we just can't "kill our problems".
